Yea Verily
"During a fund-raiser in Denver, Obama --a former constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago Law School -- was asked what he hoped to accomplish during his first 100 days in office.
"I would call my attorney general in and review every single executive order issued by George Bush and overturn those laws or executive decisions that I feel violate the constitution," said Obama."
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
--John Kenneth Galbraith
She Said What?!!
So the whole controversy over Hillary Clinton's remarks about Bobby Kennedy's assassination seems to have blown over thanks to Barack's graciousness. But can we please acknowledge that she is increasingly desperate and that her actions continue to be those of an old school politician which we do not want! As I heard a caller say on the Stephanie Miller show the other day, Hillary mis-managed the health care reform effort and she's mis-managed her campaign -- so why would we want her "managing" the presidency? Go away, please.
Shall We Begin Again?
The political season is more than upon us now, so perhaps it is time to begin again. After much internal debate (and after Edwards, my first pick, dropped out), I chose to support Barack Obama. This is in large part because I believe he is the only candidate with a true vision for changing the way we have been doing things in America for the past, oh, 30 years or so. Thirty years in which the rich have gotten incredibly richer, the middle class has suffered (real wages haven't risen in those 30 years), our foreign policy is abominable, and our discourse has degenerated into shouting matches of little substance. Plus, I got really, really pissed at the old school, despicable tactics of the Clintons. I would like to throw the both of them down a well. So Barack it is.
I went to see Barack a few weeks ago at a rally in the local college basketball arena. He was clearly tired, but still gave a great speech. Biggest applause line: when he said one thing was sure -- the name George W. Bush would not be on the ballot in November. Funniest moment: a woman yelled "you're hot" and Barack laughed -- he tried to go on, but had to stop and laugh again.
Anyway, I'm back and will have much more to say in the coming weeks and months.