Friday, November 07, 2008

Shut the Eff Up

So I'm watching NBC Nightly News last night and they do a report on the Rahm Emanuel appointment. And the reporter says something about "some aren't happy" and interviews John Boehner! Who the fuck cares what John Boehner thinks about this?!!! He's a loser and so is his entire party. Of course, he's not going to by happy about this -- its not news to ask Boehner about this. Its just typical media suck up to the Repugnicants. BTW, they did not ask any Democrats how they felt about it. Again, who the fuck cares what John Boehner thinks about this?!!! Shut the fuck up. And get a better news media, America.

Also, fuck Joe Lieberman. He can't go away fast enough for me.


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