Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Neal Boortz is a Fucking Idiot

One night last week, I was flipping channels and I stopped on Larry King for literally 90 seconds. He had two conservative radio show hosts -- one of whom was Neal Boortz and I can't remember who the other asshole was -- and two liberal radio show hosts, Ed Schultz and Stephanie Miller. Anyway, Larry asked some question about civil war in Iraq and that complete fucking idiot Boortz somehow wound up contending that the American Civil War was not a civil war because Jefferson Davis had no intention of taking over the country; it was, Boortz farted, a war between the states. What a fucking idiot. And hey Neal about this "Fair Tax" bullshit which is actually the same tired old flat tax crap -- here's a tip: a flat tax is not fair.


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